Prof. Phillip Raburu

Prof. Phillip Raburu

Prof. Phillip Raburu,
Ph.D. (Moi), Msc (UoN), Bsc (UoN)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Planning, Research and Extension)

Prof. Raburu holds a Doctorate Degree in Environmental Studies from Moi University, a Master of Science in Hydrology, and a Bachelor of Science in Botany and Zoology from the University of Nairobi.

Phillip Okoth Raburu, an associate professor of Aquatic Resources and Environmental Management hails from Migingo Village, Kadibo Division, Kisumu County. He attended Migingo Primary School, Maranda High, and Maseno High Schools for O- and A-levels respectively. He then joined Kenyatta University graduating with an Upper 2nd Class Honours degree in BEd. Science (Botany and Zoology) in 1986. He later successfully completed his MSc. in Hydrobiology and Ph.D. in Environmental studies at the University of Nairobi and Moi University respectively. After working as a lecturer in Moi Teacher’s, Siriba, and Kisii Diploma Teacher Training Institutions for 8 years, he joined Moi University in the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Science as an assistant lecturer in 1994 and grew within the ranks to an Associate professor of University of Eldoret in January 2015. At the university he has served as a chair/member of diverse committees including curriculum review, seminars, short courses, postgraduate coordinator, hall warden, student disciplinary committee, procurement, International Conference organizing committee, Academic Affairs Committee, senate committees investigating student strikes, UESO Constitution Review, Returning officer in student elections, Strategic Plan and Performance Contracting (M & E Chairman), Graduation Committee, Quality Assurance, Inaugural lectures, Agribusiness Trade Fair, and short listing committees among others. He has also served as a senator for 12 years (both in Moi and UOE) and actively participated in student affairs as a patron to different student organizations including the Christian Union.

Prof. Raburu has conducted numerous research projects as a researcher and has supported and mentored over 32 postgraduate and undergraduate students in diverse topics in his area of specialization. He has successfully supervised 5 Ph.D. and 41 MSc. and examined 4 Ph.D. and 40 MSc. students locally and internationally. He is currently serving his third year as an external examiner at Makerere University. He has conducted over 20 consultancies nationally and regionally with 12 consultancies as the lead consultant. He has also initiated and coordinated several research and community-based development projects. To date, he has published 51 articles in refereed journals and 1 book.

Prof. Raburu has an extensive experience in extension having worked with the local communities and the civil society in the last 20 years. He is the founding director of a national NGO, Victoria Institute for Research on Environment and Development (VIRED) International. He served as the national chairman of the Kenya Nile Basin Discourse Forum (KNDF) for 5 years, and the regional vice chairman of the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD) covering the 10 Nile Basin Countries. He was also the regional chairman of the Human Resource Development Working Group during the 1st phase of the Fisheries Management Plan for Lake Victoria. Nationally, Prof. Raburu has immensely contributed to the development and revision of national policies and regulations in the state ministries concerned with Fisheries, Natural Resources, and the Environment. He has and continues to play a key role in the Boards of Management of 5 Secondary schools, and institutions of higher learning including Kenya Wildlife Training Institute, Naivasha, and Tambach Teachers Training College.

Prof. Raburu is the immediate former head of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Science whose staff boasts of over 30 publications in refereed journals in the last academic year only, the best student in the 2017 graduation ceremony, and 10 donor-funded projects, the latest being EU funded COTRA Project worth 1.399,875 million Euros and two NRF funded multidisciplinary and Infrastructure projects worth KES 11.9m and 50m respectively. The department which is a Fisheries Centre of Excellence in Africa (in collaboration with LUANAR, Malawi) also recently built a fish hatchery in collaboration with the Uasin Gishu County government to supply the local communities with quality fish fingerlings.

In discharging his duties as the new Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Planning, Research, and Extension, Prof. Raburu will rely heavily on a wealth of experience in Research, Consultancy, Project Planning and Management, and extension activities he has carried out over the years. He will further benefit from the management and leadership courses he has attended over the years including a diploma course in Planning and Policy Development in Iceland, Transformational Leadership courses, and recently Strategic Leadership Programme course he undertook at the Kenya School of Government.

Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Planning, Research and Extension)
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.

