University Of Eldoret 2022/2023 Research Highlights

The University hosts several externally funded research projects in collaboration with a variety of national and international partners to meet the needs and aspirations of the dynamic societal challenges. The research projects address diverse areas of sustainable exploitation and management of natural resources, solving environmental challenges, and food and nutritional security all of which synchronize with the national goals.

  1. Development of an All-Male Tilapia (Eldo-Male) Strain for Commercial Aquaculture in Kenya
  2. Sustainable Water Pans Project
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Soil Carbon Stocks and Livestock Watering Points in Agropastoral Rangelands of Taita Taveta Hills, Kenya (GRESOL Project)
  4. Adapting To Climate-Resilient Farming Systems in Western Kenya: The Sustainable Paths by Embedding Agroecology in Research, Education and Outreach (ADCLIM)
  5. Intellectual Property Management
  6. Collaborative Training in Fisheries and Aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa (COTRA)
  7. Scientists for Crop Improvement and Food Security in Africa (SCIFSA)
  8. Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA)
  9. Building Climate Resilient Mixed Crop-Livestock and Agro Pastoral Farming Systems in Elgeyo Marakwet County Through Agroecology: quantification, reduction and community sensitization on greenhouse gas emissions (CRAPAE)
  10. University Hosted a Public Lecture on The Question of Intelligent Design
  11. Public Lecture on The Role of Intellectual Property in Promoting Research and Innovation by Mr. Stanley Shikhule Atsali
  12. 2023 Agribusiness Trade Fair
  13. Farmers’ Training On Major Pests and Diseases in Meibeki Ward, Moiben Sub County
  14. Farmers’ Training on Dairy Management Held at Megun Ward, Uasin Gishu County
  15. ENABLE Youth Kenya programme
  16. Venture for Change (V4C) Concept Experience


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