The Registrar (Administration) is charged with the responsibility of coordinating the functions of various departments in the administrative division of the university, which fall under the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (A&F). These functions, in some instances cut across both the administrative and the academic divisions due to their nature. The Department oversees the following departments; Central Services, Human Resources, Catering, Health Services, Public Health, Transport and Hostels. The Department strives to achieve and maintain the highest level of excellence in performance of Administrative functions and duties in line with the University’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan 2019-2024. In addition, the Department strives to provide a conducive and an enabling environment for working, teaching and learning and is committed to promoting the spirit of co-operation, teamwork and dedication to duty by all staff, with due regard to the University’s core values of integrity, responsiveness, customer satisfaction, competitiveness, equity, innovativeness and inclusivity. The Department also assists the Management Representative (MR) in the implementation of Quality Management Systems(QMS) and coordinates performance contracting in the Administrative Division.

Dr. Omete F. Ikapel
Ph.D, CPA(K)
Ag. Registrar - Administration
View Profile
Office of the Registrar Administration
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.Mobile: +254(0) 770 570 259