University of Eldoret Institutional Safeguarding Policy

University of Eldoret in partnership with the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) through the support of MasterCard Foundation is implementing the program “Transforming Africa’s Higher Education Institutions for Economic Growth and Development (TAGDev 2.0)”. The 10 year program will provide scholarships to students across Africa, focusing on training competent and highly skilled African youth, developing the capacity of African universities to train and nurture graduates with relevant skills effectively. The program’s main objective is to strengthen universities to better serve communities by skilling and empowering Africa’s young people and their institutions to drive inclusive, equitable and climate resilient transformation of agriculture and agrifood systems. This goal will contribute to strengthening the quality of higher agricultural education outcomes in training, research and innovation.

Aligned to the achievement of this desired goal, the Prof. Thomas Cheruiyot, Vice-Chancellor, established the Institutional Safeguarding Policy Committee to review the Safeguarding Policy. The policy is important it focuses on the  safety and security of the students and staff members. The Institutional Safeguarding Policy aims to guide the creation of a safe place and working environment for students, staff, children, vulnerable persons and all other stakeholders. The University will observe safeguarding practices acceptable to the international safeguarding principles and, where appropriate, specific clauses and requirements set out in other relevant university guidelines and policies.

The main objective of this policy is to actively safeguard and prevent harm, abuse, exploitation and neglect while promoting physical, emotional, mental health and the well-being of the University community.

The Chairperson, Prof. Judith Makwali (Director - Gender, Equity and Diversity) led the team whose members include Dr. Joan Jelimo (Ag. Registrar-Administration), Prof. Samuel Lutta (Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies), Prof. Getrude Were (Director, Quality Assurance), Dr. Hosea Kiplagat (Dean, School of Education), Dr. Jacob Onyango (Dean, Arts and Social Sciences), Dr. Kiboi Leleiy (Dean of Students), Dr. Ruth Njoroge (TAGDev 2.0 Program member), Dr. Javan Were  (TAGDev 2.0 program member) and Dr. Remi Orao (Chair, Disability mainstreaming Committee).
