Prof. Judith A. Makwali
Prof. Makwali holds Ph.D. Parasitology (Moi University), MPhil. Parasitology (Moi University), BSc. BOT/ZOO (Moi University), and Dip. Protozoan Diseases (Obihiro Univ. of Agric. and Vet. Medicine, Japan).
Prof. Makwali joined the University of Eldoret in 1995 when it was a campus of Moi University as a Graduate Assistant where she rose through the various academic ranks. Currently, she is a senior lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences. Her area of expertise is Parasitology/Immunology with a specialization in Protozoan Diseases Therapy and Control.
She is a researcher and a scholar of high repute, having published widely in scientific journals within her field of expertise. She has attracted several research funds and has attended several conferences. She is a member of several professional bodies. Dr. Makwali has held various administrative positions in the university which include; Head of the Department of Biological Sciences for five years, a warden for three female hostels for eleven years, School of Science collaborations coordinator and examination coordinator for Zoology programs for several years, just to mention but a few. Her long service as a lecturer at the university has been instrumental in improving education and research at the university. She has supervised several postgraduate students and likewise, has assessed several postgraduate theses. During her tenure as a Head of Department, several students completed and graduated with various postgraduate degrees offered in the Department of Biological Sciences.
Director, Gender, Equity and Diversity
University of Eldoret,
P.O. Box 1125-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya.
Email: geddirector@uoeld.ac.ke