University of Eldoret Recertified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System

University of Eldoret was first certified to the ISO 9001:2008 on 20th June, 2016 and transited to the revised ISO 9001:2015 Standard in 2018. Upon successful implementation of the requirements of this Standard, the University was re-certified in December 2021 marking the beginning of the 2nd cycle of certification which ended in May 2024.   In June 2024, a re-certification audit was conducted by the Kenya Bureau of Standards Auditors namely: Mrs. Florence Ouma (Team Leader), Mrs. Isabella Lunani and Mr. Wilson Koskey. This audit was conducted in selected quality units at both Main and Town Campus.  The objectives of this audit were:

  1. To determine continued conformity of the Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2015 requirements.
  2. To determine the ability of the Quality Management System to ensure the client meets applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements.
  3. To determine the effectiveness of the Quality Management System to ensure the client achieves specified objectives.
  4. To determine the areas of improvement within the Quality Management System.
  5. To review the Quality Management System over the certification period.

During the five days, the KEBS team was able to audit all the units as outlined in the Audit Plan and confirmed that the objectives of the audit had been met. In their exit report, the auditors highlighted both the positive findings and identified areas of improvement.  Certification was granted subsequent to submission of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
